Learning how to introduce changes is the purpose of the conference.

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This two-day program will be a combination of conference and workshops. International experts, who will in the plenary present the key challenges, existing solutions and suggestions, will be engaged next day in the workshops on how to improve your performance.

- How the Germans are introducing and promoting digital transformation (Industrie 4.0) into SME and what the big players know how to do,
- How the Danes cooperate (companies and researchers) in introducing the training and individualised solutions for the digital transformation of companies,
- How the Estonians do it,
- What modern leaders need to know about digitalization and what storms are brewing in the 21century environment,
- What are the EU guidelines,
- What concrete measures are being supported and prepared by the state and supportive environment,
- What are the best practices at home and abroad,
- What are the key challenges in Slovenia as they are seen by the leaders if the chambers and associations,
To new people interested in similar issues and meet with old acquaintances.

Med govorci prvega dne boste lahko poslušali strokovnjake, ki vam bodo predstavili:
• vse, kar se tiče digitalizacije in katere dodatne viharje jim prinaša spremenljivo gospodarsko okolje 21. stoletja, FUTURUM (Newman),
• kaj so konkretni tekoči in načrtovani ukrepi države ter podpornega okolja na področju digitalizacije, SKLAD/KOC (Kuntarič, Golob), MGRT (Počivalšek, Tovšak, Umek, Marolt), DIGITALNA KOALICIJA (Zorko), SRIP/IKT horizontala (Šutanovac), DIGITAL HUB (Stojmenova Duh), BLOCKCHAINHUB (Dokuzov), KOMPETENČNI CENTRI (Trajnostna Gradnja, Pametna Mesta, Orodjarstvo, IKT),
• dobre prakse, YASKAWA (Kosler, Herakovič, Metlikovič), POLYCOM (Oman, ogled proizvodnje),
• kaj so ključni izzivi v Sloveniji, kot jih vidijo vodje gospodarskih združenj, GZS (Gorjup, Zorko), ZDRUŽENJE MANAGER (Zalaznik),
• primere, kako v Nemčiji uvajajo in promovirajo digitalno transformacijo v mala in srednja podjetja (Industrie 4.0), NEMŠKA GOSPODARSKA ZBORNICA, SOLOPEX (Engels),
• kako so se na Danskem partnersko (podjetja in raziskovalci) lotili uvajanja in usposabljanja za digitalno transformacijo, MADE ACADEMY (Edmondson),
• kako so k digitalizaciji pristopili v Estoniji (https://e-estonia.com), skupaj z Baltsko regijo www.diginnobsr.eu, ICT CLUSTER (Turk),
• kako se moramo prilagajati novim tehnologijam in generacijam v delovnem okolju, GROWING LEADERS (Moore).


Leadership and competence development are the key to successful Digital Transformation

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Not long ago, the debate was if digital transformation is in the domain of IT personnel or “something more”.

Today it should be clear that it is a strategic area of the company development in the domain of leadership and that it includes all the areas of business, all departments including the human resources and competence development of employees.

Industry 4.0, disruption, internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, smart factories, digital transformation are changing our businesses.

We need to adapt new ways of thinking, behaviour, organisational culture, readiness to learn quickly and welcome changes.

Digital transformation demands a lot from the large, and even more from smaller teams and one of the biggest challenges is the adequate role of leaders.

Leaders do not need to be masters of technology but need to have the competence to see and articulate the value of the digital technology for the future of the organization. (International research MIT Sloane and Deloitte, 2015)

With this event, we will again enable LEADERS to participate and hear, what top experts suggest to multinational companies and other leaders in the field. We will present best practises and challenges.

Če je še do nedavnega bilo eno od ključnih vprašanj na področju digitalne transformacije podjetij, ali gre za področje, ki je v domeni informatikov ali »še kaj več«, bi moralo danes biti jasno, da gre za strateško področje razvoja podjetja, na katerega ključno vplivajo vodje podjetij, ter da transformacija vključuje VSE VIDIKE poslovanja in oddelke podjetij, tudi kadrovsko področje in razvoj ustreznih KOMPETENC zaposlenih.
Industrija 4.0, disrupcija, internet stvari, veliki podatki, umetna inteligenca, pametne tovarne, …, digitalna transformacija spreminjajo naše poslovanje.
Razviti moramo nivo vačine razmišljanja, vedenja, organizacijske kulture, pripravljenosti za hitro učenje in pripravljenost na spremembe.
Digitalna transformacija zahteva veliko od velikih, še več pa od manjših kolektivov. Največji izziv je pripravljenost VODIJ, ki odločajo in vodijo procese, ki zaobjemajo tudi digitalno transformacijo. Mednarodna raziskava MIT Sloane in Deloitte je leta 2015 namreč izpostavila naslednje tri točke:
- do digitalne zrelosti vodi digitalna strategija podjetij.
- digitalno bolj zrele organizacije bodo štirikrat bolj verjetno zagotavljale razvoj potrebnih kompetenc,
- in najpomembneje: digitalizacija mora biti vodena z vrha. Izpostavi, da vodje ne rabijo obvladovati tehnologije, ampak morajo imeti sposobnost ugotoviti in artikulirati VREDNOST digitalne tehnologije za prihodnost organizacije.
Na tem dogodku bomo znova omogočili, da se VODJE brez stroškov kotizacije vključite in slišite, kaj svetujejo vrhunski svetovalci, strokovnjaki multinacionalkam in vodilnim na svojih področjih, predstavili bomo tudi slovenske dobre prakse in izzive.


Supportive environment is being organised in the region. Why not cooperate from the beginning?

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Digital Innovation Hub has been established in Slovenia as a one stop shop for digital transformation and competence development.

Other programs Ministry of Economic Development and Technology is supporting the introduction of elements of digital transformation for SMEs.

Competence centers for HR delevopment are introducing Digital topics to various business sectors in the form of training..

With this, 3rd business dialogue we will connect various initiatives and business experts to answer the following questions:
- which COMPETENCES need to be strategically supported for successful digital transformations?
- How can we connect training with concrete CHANGES of business processes and models?
- Which RESOURCES can we connect for better results?

V Sloveniji se organizira podporno okolje in sveženj ukrepov namenjenih podjetjem pod okriljem MGRT, vzpostavlja DigitalHub, ki bo imel poslanstvo razvoja kompetenc za digitalno transformacijo.
Poleg tega je namen tretjega poslovnega dialoga povezati slovenske iniciative, mednarodne svetovalce in eksperte iz gospodarstva ter priti do ugotovitev:
- katere KOMPETENCE za digitalno transformacijo moramo razvijati in strateško podpreti?
- kako bomo učenje povezali s SPREMEMBAMI poslovnih procesov in modelov (ter obratno)?
- katere VIRE lahko vsebinsko in operativno povezujemo za večjo uspešnost?





  • Under the Honorary Patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Borut Pahor

Borut Pahor

President of the Republic of Slovenia

HR programs for education and business sector, Main organiser

  • 22-10-2018
  • 9:25
  • Leadership Forum

Irena Kuntarič Hribar

Director, Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia

SME Digital Transformation state programs, co-organiser

  • 22-10-2018
  • 9:25
  • Leadership Forum

Zdravko Počivalšek

Minister of Economic Development and Technology

Digital agenda by EU

Zoran Stančič

Representative of the European Commission to Slovenia

Digital Business Leadership

Igor Zorko

Head of Digital Coalition, Vice president of the Chamber of commerce, CEO ZZI d.o.o.

Business perspective on Digital Transformation

  • 22-10-2018
  • 9:30
  • Leadership forum

Aleksander Zalaznik

President of Managers’ Association, CEO, Danfoss Trata

How to be a futureproof organization.

Daniel Newman

Principal Analyst, Futurum Research CEO, Broadsuite Media Group

Impact of technology on the workplace

  • 23.10.2018
  • 11:00

Nicole Ashe

Cox Automotive, Growing leaders

Using digitalization in manufacturing

  • 22-10-2018
  • 9:15
  • Presentation and Workshop 2

Alexander Engels

IT and optimization projects in the industrial sector and in communications industry

Story of e-Estonia and DIGINNO

  • 22-10-2018- 23-10-2018
  • Presentation and Workshop 3

Toomas Türk

ICT Cluster, Business and Network development

In-house cooperation for digital transformation

  • 22-10-2018
  • 11:30
  • Presentation of best practise

Simon Oman

CIO, Polycom

Smart training for smart factories

  • 22-10-2018
  • 11:30
  • Presentation, Business practise panel chair

Peter Metlikovič

Expert for lean organization/training

Digital Innovation Hub - One stop shop

Emilija Stojmenova Duh

Director, Digital Innovation Hub; Faculty of electrical engineering, University of Ljubljana

supporting SMEs digitalization and e-commerce

Gregor Umek

Senior Advisor, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

Competence development for companies

Anton Golob

Team Leader, Competence Centers for Human Resources 2.0

Saša Mrak

Executive Director of Managers' Association of Slovenia

Gertrud Rantzen

President at German-Slovene Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Jurij Dolžan

Ministry of Public Affairs, Directorate for Digital Society

Conference organizer

Bernarda Krištof

Competence Centers for Human Resources Development

Matej Delakorda

Moderator, Navajo

Conference Design and Coordination

Aleš Vidmar

eli-see institute

Programs and incentives for digitalisation

Alenka Marovt

Senior Government Official